
Wild Parsnip is a biennial plant with a different form in each year.
In year one it grows at ground level in rosette form:

In year one the Wild Parsnip grows a tap root, like a carrot. The tap root varies from six-twelve inches (15-60 cm) dependent on soil, moisture and sunlight. It’s edible, reasonably nutritious and mild flavoured.

Do not eat the foliage and avoid touching it. Use gloves, and wash them and tools in soap and water afterwards.

In year two the Wild Parsnip re-emerges as a tall (2-7 feet, 60-200cm), brittle stalk with thin leaves, and blooms similar to Queen Anne’s Lace, but with yellow flowers:

Wild Parsnip

The 2nd year plant is a nightmare. Merely touching the stalk or leaves can create a blister and burn the skin – triggered by sunlight. The stalk is sap-filled and brittle. The tap root has turned woody and inedible.
Any farm animals that eat the foliage will suffer illness.
Pets which run through an infestation will bring some of the sap home on their fur – wash with soap and water.
Children should be kept away – they are guaranteed to blister – no one is immune.

Above is absolutely the worst way to dress and handle Wild Parsnips. Blisters developed within an hour!